Nutrition & Ingredients

Is your mouth watering at the thought of Greek dressing? Is your tummy grumbling for a slice of green chile, pepperoni pizza? Is the rational side of your brain telling you to log your meal before you take that first bite? If so, we’ve provided a few tools to help you out.

Our nutrition calculator will provide the nutritional value of our products, and like our menu, each item is customizable so you only account for what you really eat. The interactive tool will provide a quick glance and allow you to easily compare items for quick decision making. And last but not least, the allergen guide will flag ingredients that may be of concern to you. 


Just like you, Dion’s is made up of a lot of little slices that make us unique. Our food is just one of them, and it’s at the top of the list. We owe much of our success to a few simple rules we apply to our food: we always use the finest ingredients, we never compromise them for a cheaper price and we only serve pizza, salads and subs that make us beam with pride.

Our food is wholesome and made from scratch in our kitchen just for you. A group of people at our Home Office is entirely devoted to finding fresh ingredients from trustworthy sources. We use these carefully selected products to create thoughtful recipes and hand-craft them into simple, delicious food our customers crave. We use a signature Bonta Pizza Sauce, for example, from Escalon, which is free from preservatives, and to which we add our own spice blend. In addition, the mayonnaise in our dressings and on our subs is made exclusively from cage-free eggs and comes from Hellmann’s. Furthermore, we use local products when possible to promote sustainable agriculture and to support our communities, including a custom blend of green chile from Bueno Foods in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We also have a dedicated Commissary and Bakery Team who prepares everything from our baguettes to our cookies to our fruit cups. They also prepare our special Ranch dressing. We’d tell you its secret ingredient, but then we’d have to…um, just don’t ask, please.

We also can’t forget the folks who work in our stores.They arrive bright and early each morning to roll dough, whisk sauce, shred cheese, and chop vegetables, just to name a few tasks. You’ll find employees perfecting the art of pizza making in our stores daily, which only comes with practice, and takes hundreds of pies to master. There are no machines involved and each one is a reflection of the person making it.


We know a number of our customers have specific dietary needs, so we have worked with a registered dietitian to provide ideas on how to order and customize our products for your needs.

Of course, everyone’s body is different and we urge you to seek guidance from your own physician and/or a registered dietitian to make the best decisions possible for you.